Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What's in a Name?

In Tongan culture, names mean something special. In language class, Chimuka gave us a lesson on Tonga names and their meanings and I found it fascinating that there are names from birth order, the circumstances of birth, Christian origin, family matters, and parental origin. A great amount of thought and meaning goes into the name. The way it was presented to me is that the name of that child usually signifies something that was happening at the time within the family or who your family was as a whole. So, when you looked at your children and their names, you could see your family story unfolding and remember history, good times, strengthening times, and tough times that molded your family. After our lesson, I realized that Ba Cece, the auntie that I stay in the village with, named her third child, Mapenzi, which means “born in a time of trouble.” When I asked her about it, I learned more about her family background and how important remembering is. Several children at the Haven have the names Lushomo: hope, Chipo: gift, Maleele: miracle. I love that their names signify something more.

This made me think about the names we carry with us. We label ourselves in so many different ways depending on who we encounter or the situation. I could be labeled as Tim and Sheryl’s child, the oldest daughter, the service director of my club, a psychology major, a Harding University student, a Haven intern, and the list goes on and on. But, what stopped me was my label as a Christian. There are thousands of people who carry that name around. It is the name that should consume all the other names and be what defines the very life we live. But, does it?

The name Christian describes our whole life mission and the one that we die to ourselves for. With that being said, how often do we wholly embrace that name? It is the name that reveals a story. Our story is being woven into God’s. As He looks over his children that carry his name, He can see His family history, the growth, the bruises, the scars, the happiness, and the love all in one name.

Just like with Tonga names, our title of Christian tells a story and is a constant reminder of who He is and who we are in Him.

I think the beauty of remembrance is more like a foreign concept now. We are so eagerly searching for anything to take our mind off of the hard times or seeking out ways to fill up our days that we go through the motions inevitably forgetting over time.

All of this made me think about our Grade 9 devo on Wednesday night and the conversation of how well do we know the One whose name we wear? If it’s my life and someone I am giving over my whole heart and soul to, how well do I know Him in order to carry on His name? How well do I remember His name that I wear?

Naturally, I think I know Christ well. I mean most people do, right? I let my analytical side go crazy and broke it down into parts of a whole.
1.     I feel like I know God as a Father the best. It’s comfort and familiar. I see Him as a loving, compassionate, gracious, yet a just Father. I think it is so easily for me to relate and familiarize myself this way because I have such a Godly earthly Father that has instilled such a healthy view of God to me.
2.     It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around and fully realize that Jesus, even as God’s son, was fully human. He had my same thoughts, wants, confusion, doubts, joy, and understanding as me. I forget so easily that we have that common ground and I often times finding myself not relating because after all he is still Christ. In all reality, He is the one I should be able to relate to the most.
3.     The Holy Spirit is a tough comprehension because growing up; we didn’t talk much about the Holy Spirit and how he moves in our lives each day. Not that it was never spoken of, I just never felt like it could be applied to my life today. I see it more evidently now that I ever have before, but often times, I don’t recognize that this is how Christ lives in me and He is helping me to bear His name.
Surprisingly, I’m not upset at where I stand when I answered these questions because it just means that I can delight in the fact that my relationship with my Creator is still going to grow and strengthen, I can seek to know Him more and more each day, and He is still revealing Himself to me constantly.

I’m so happy that I can wear the name of Christian and be a part of such a beautiful story. And now, I hope that I strive to remember all the milestones along the way that come with His name that has given me Life in Him.

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